What can I do with Spottible? |
You can use Spottible to record, share, and find places curated by you, your friends and your family. Spottible works without a data connection so when you're on the road, you can use offline places and maps to find your favorite spots. |
How do I get started? |
- Download Spottible from the App Store using the button on the top of this page.
- Sign up for a new account.
- When prompted, make sure you allow Spottible to use your location. Spottible needs your location to show your position on the map, calculate distances from your location, and to position your new places on the map.
- If you're the first of your friends to use Spottible, or if you're the first of your friends to visit a particular destination, add to your favorites one of our starter collections to get you started. A starter collection is a group of spots we've visited and think you might like. Spottible has starter collections for over 200 cities worldwide.
- If you're heading overseas, download your collections so you can find places offline. If we have offline maps for that collection, the offline maps are automatically downloaded along with your places. Offline maps are available for the cities in this list.
- If you'd like, you can save to Spottible additional places at your destination before you head out.
For example, you may want to add your hotel, or to add places recommended by friends outside the app. That way, when you arrive at your destination, you can hit the ground running - you can use Spottible offline to find your hotel, or to find that perfect spot for your "welcome" drink or meal.
How do I add a new place? |
If you're still at home and want to add a place at your destination - for example, your hotel location - click the "add" button and place the marker on the map. If you're on the road and want to add your current location - for example, a bar or restaurant - click the "add" button and take a photo of the place or select a photo from your photo library. Spottible automatically records your location. If you're online, your places are automatically synced with our server; if you're offline, your places are uploaded once you have a data connection. |
Who can see my spots? |
Spots are private by default. If you'd like, you can share your spots with friends and family - you choose which friends and family members to see your places, instead of sharing with everyone on your social network. Alternatively, you can also share spots your spots with the world. Other users can follow your publicly posted spots, and you can follow them back. |
How is this different from other apps? |
- Spottible works fully offline - if you travel overseas, you can use Spottible's offline maps to find and record places in 200 cities without a data connection. Just download the places and city maps before you leave and you're good to go.
- Your places in Spottible are private. You don't share your recommendations with other people unless you want to.
- You organize your places into collections. From the collections screen, you can view places in that collection on a map, view photos in a gallery, relive your adventure on a calendar, and control sharing.
Do you support Android? |
It's on our list! Stay tuned while we work on our Android app. If you'd like for us to email you when the Android app is available, drop us a line. |
Where can I use Spottible? |
You can download and install Spottible from the App Store. |
After you install Spottible, you can use Spottible anywhere around the world.
Note: if you're visiting mainland China, government restrictions prevent you from uploading, downloading, or sharing places while you're in China. If you've downloaded places and maps before leaving home, you can navigate to your places and find them offline while you're in China. You can also add new places while you're in China. Since places you add in China are available offline, you can upload and share those places after you return home. |